Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time zoning.

For the summer I'm working as a nanny. That's right. Changing diapers and negotiating with an infant and a 3-year old shall be my prep for life as a 1L. At least I have relearned the importance of saying "please."

This week I had a strange and frustrating interaction with the Brazilian cleaning lady. I guess conversation between the hired help constitutes blog-worthy material. I was watching the World Cup while the kids napped (strenuous!) and Maria asked me when the next time Brazil would play since she was going home to Sao Paolo in the next few days. I told her that Brazil would be playing Portugal at 4 PM South African time, but that I wasn't sure what time that would be in Brazil. In a strangely condescending tone she informed me, "Oh well Brazil and South Africa are both below the equator so it's the same time." Try as I might, I could not convince her that time zones work differently than seasons. I was actually angry for about 10 seconds that she wouldn't believe me until I just let myself drop the debate. Whatever time she wants to try to watch the game is fine with me, I guess.

Sent in my letter of intent two days ago. I left a mere 12 hours until the deadline to do so in keeping with my procrastinating tendencies. I'm not sure why I waited really. I'm riding a few wait lists but would only realistically drop everything for one dream of all dream schools. I'm happy with my choice but the very legally binding letter of intent made me feel a little claustrophobic. Anyway, letter sent. Lease signed. I'm-a-goin to the gulag (read: law school).

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